Friday, June 8, 2007

And so, it's begun

I'm using purple because it is a sacred color, and this is a sacred space where ME and I can come to post the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; as we remember it. I've added the cav-e-ot because I don't always recall things the way they happened. I don't lie, but (due to age and caffeine) I do get con-fussit. So dear reader; welcome. Know that returning here time and again may be confusing, may be slightly irreverent, may be timely, and probably may not. The one thing you can count on (from one of us) is MONITORED HONESTY-INTEGRITY TO A CERTAIN DEGREE-APPLE PIE SLICE TRUTH AND THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF DOUBLE INTEN-DREYS AND SLANTED REPORTING! gOD bLESS aND remember: Wet Birds Don't Fly At Night.

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