Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Maven Schmaven

Kitchen Maven refers to my status in the kitchen. It mostly applies when stomachs are growling (either the human or 4-legged kind), the dishes have piled up, cans need to be recycled or someone can't find something right in front of their face on the top shelf of the refridgerator. I don't actually mind being a maven but I do so tire of being the menu preparer. I think it's the hardest kitchen job there is.

Recently there has been a lot of talk about a kitchen re-do. Everyone agrees that since I am the kitchen maven, I should get to pick what kind of new things will go in the kitchen. I've learned that the Bill Payer trumps the kitchen maven. It appears his desires are going to take precedent over mine.

So far I haven't had the fun that the re-doers on HGTV have when they are in process. I've been stymied over what shade of white I should choose for the cabinets. I don't know the difference between formica, corian, silestone or granite, except that each comes with a higher price tag. I've been thinking that if I were Samantha Stevens, all I'd have to do to get a new kitchen or put dinner on the table would be wiggle my nose. Instead this Cinderella will have to bibbity bobbity boo herself into the slave quarters and put some potatoes on to boil. Stay tuned. me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Butch, I really think you will need to compile these ramblings into a book someday. They have a Thurberish feel to them, clever, fun to read, mindless drivel. Oh yeah, Jack's good too!