Saturday, June 9, 2007

What did I tell you ????

Communication skills are right up Jack's alley. He can talk/write a "Blue" streak. I feel a little bit at a disadvantage. I'm going to add just one more thought then let move on to another subject.

When Jack and I first met, after smell of Clorox stopped up our noses so that we could barely breathe (we were in a WalMart MacDonalds at floor cleaning time), and after I stopped staring into his beautiful blue eyes, I was acutely aware of his communication style. He quickly put me at ease by paying attention to what I had to say. In other words he listened with a capital "L"!

Since it was our first rendezvous maybe he was on his best behavior. Whatever the reason, I was impressed.

That said, I soon became aware of another of Jack's communication skills. In the course of the conversation, as I finished a thought, he would add a meaningful, but odd-sounding (to me) "Okay." It wasn't a questioning okay, like okay, what's next? It was more of a period okay - like it ended the thought for both of us. Over the course of that conversation and the ones that followed, I began to realize if Jack had a favorite word, it must be "okay." Any other time I might have thought it weird, but I'd fallen for his big eyes (the better to see me with), ears (the better to hear me with) and heart (the better to love me with). I'm a sucker for a guy with a big heart.

Eventually he explained his novel approach to communicating with anybody. He summed it up by saying that all conversation could be reduced to five words/phrases ... Yes. No. Okay. That won't work for me. Bingo! Clearly, we're all looking for the person with whom we most naturally and frequently say Bingo.

Sit back and wait. I have a feeling Jack is going to explain. The only question I have is what color will he choose?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bingo!! (You're right, Thelma! He DOES look like Santa Claus!!)