Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Why ??

1. Couldn't Jack have found the Berkline dealer and warranty information before he attacked the chair with a pipe wrench ?

2. Didn't Jack just ask me? I could have told him he was one in a million without bringing Google into it.

3. Did Jack decide to name his private parts on the same day he was being interviewed for a magazine? In all the time I've known the guy, he has never once referred to Mr. Happy as Mr. Happy.

4. Is it so much easier to toot one's own horn in one's personal blog than anywhere else? Don't get me wrong, I'mvery proud of Jack's accomplishments. However, I don't think for one minute if you were having a personal conversation with him that he would ever bring up the aforementioned Mr. Happy.

Just for the record, I'm a "tooter" myself. No, not a "tooter," a self-aggrandizing horn tooter. Everyone can expect a copy of the July issue of skirt! via snail mail. I can't wait to see my sweetie in a skirt. Maybe they'll photograph him holding those manly wrenches.


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